Craft Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Valentin Huang 05/02/2023 Glossary
5 Minutes

In today's competitive business landscape, it's not enough to just offer a product or service. You need to stand out from the crowd and make a name for yourself. That's where your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) comes in.

Understanding Unique Selling Propositions

Simply put, a unique selling proposition can be explained as something that represents your company. The USP is the distinguishing factor between your company and others, and generally urges customers to choose it over all other options available in the market.

Instead of focusing on the variety of products and services your company offers, stick to your unique selling proposition. Make it something specific that you are clearly known and recognized for.

Hence, a unique selling proposition can be defined as the key distinguishing factor which makes your business stand out from the other competitors.

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The Anatomy of a Strong USP: Examples to Inspire Your Marketing Strategy

Now that you know the literal meaning of a unique selling proposition, still not sure where to start? Take a look at some of the winning USPs that have long resonated:

Saddleback Leather: Rugged Leather Goods with a 100-Year Warranty

When you think of a leather satchel company, it seems nearly impossible to create a unique, memorable and exclusive USP. However, Saddleback’s USP does wonders with its “About Us” page. 

It reads like one of those gripping episodes of an AMC series, packed and loaded with stories about amateur bullfighting, dodging corrupt Mexican Federal Police, and even trading puppies for 100 tacos in Juarez. It perfectly encapsulates the adventurous and rugged aesthetic that the brand name carries with it.

But that's not all - Saddleback's products are also backed by an astounding 100-year warranty, humorously dubbed as their "They'll Fight Over It When You're Dead" guarantee. This not only speaks to the company's unwavering confidence in the quality of its craftsmanship but also resonates with its ideal customers - daring and thrill-seeking travelers who need gear that can withstand their globe-trotting adventures.

With their bold and confident approach to business, Saddleback’s unique selling proposition is a market leader in the hearts and minds of adventure lovers across the globe.

Starbucks Unique Selling Proposition

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Have you ever given thought to what makes Starbucks so special? Precisely, do you ever wonder about what they stand for? Well, their unique selling proposition is simple and sweet: it revolves around premium coffee beverages. In other words, Starbucks is not a run-out-of-the-mill coffee shop providing average food and mediocre drinks. Instead, their game is all about quality and excellence.

Starbucks doesn’t strive to be famous for smoothies and sandwiches – that is not its USP. Instead, they focus on being the go-to spot for premium coffee on the go. And hey, if you happen to want a breakfast sandwich or smoothie with your coffee, they've got you covered. Talk about convenience!

Unique Selling Proposition Best Practices

So far, we have seen some really compelling and effective examples of unique selling propositions. When it comes to making one for your own start-up, what should be some of the best practices that you need to keep in mind? Take some time to ponder over the factors that make your business stand out. What aspects, values, and attributes set you apart from other identical businesses within the industry? Is there one particular aspect that makes you ‘better’ than what others offer?

Mastering Customer Insights: How to Get Inside Your Ideal Customer's Head

Before you start brainstorming and devising the aspects that make your business ‘exclusive’ from the crowd, it is particularly essential to have a full grasp of your perfect, ideal customer inside and out. This makes the job so much easier: you can craft targeted marketing strategies that resonate with the perfect customers’ needs and wants.

  • What does your perfect customer truly desire?
  • What problems do they need to be solved?
  • What factors influence their purchasing decisions?
  • And most importantly, why do your current customers choose your business over your competitors?

Providing Solutions to Your Ideal Customers' Problems

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Remember that customers don't just want your products and services, they are looking for solutions to their problems. Sometimes these solutions can be as simple as buying a reliable set of tools that will serve them for years to come. Other times, however, their needs may be a bit more complex.

To develop an effective USP similar to those mentioned above, it is crucial to examine the profile of your ideal customer. This must be followed by a proper marketing strategy that shows them how your products are the perfect solution to their problems. Unless you have a clear picture of them in mind, it will be difficult to write a compelling and persuasive copy.

How does your company improve the lives of your potential customers? In short, why should they choose you? These are absolutely essential questions to ask yourself when developing your USP.

Ideally, the answers to these questions should constitute the foundation of your marketing strategy. By comprehending how your products and services provide value to your customers, the ‘unique’ benefits of choosing your business can be easily communicated to them.

How to better connect with your ideal customers? We have the user story formula for you in our recent article update. 

Develop an Elevator Pitch

You’ve done the hard work of recognizing your target audience, explaining how your business is well-equipped to solve their problems, and pointing out your unique selling proposition (USP). However, keep in mind that the customer's attention spans have been shrinking faster than ice cream melting on a hot day. This means that the USP must stand out quickly by capturing their attention in a matter of seconds. Your USP must be a clear, concise and compelling statement. If you hit the nail on the head with your USP, you will quickly make your company irresistible and attractive to consumers.

A Template and Example of a USP

Putting all that we learned above into practice, you will find an example below of creating a unique selling proposition for a fitness studio. You can modify the template according to the specifications of your business and products.

For [fitness enthusiasts]

Who [wants a fun and effective way to get in shape]

[FitHive Studio]

Is [the only fitness studio that offers a variety of high-energy, music-driven workouts]

That [are led by certified instructors and designed to burn calories, build strength, and improve endurance]

Unlike [traditional gyms with basic equipment and limited-class offerings],

[FitHive Studio] is [a vibrant community that fosters camaraderie and support, with state-of-the-art equipment, personalized attention, and an array of fitness options for all levels, from boxing and cycling to barre and yoga].

Making the best use of your USP in advertising

Once you have that perfect unique selling proposition ready for your business and have summarized it in the form of an elevator pitch, it is time to move on to pay-per-click advertisements.

To make the most of this advertising tactic, it is particularly essential that you feature your USP prominently in your ad copy, preferably in the headline or first line of your ad.

If you decide to feature your USP in the headline, make sure it includes relevant keywords to increase its visibility in search results. On the other hand, if you place it elsewhere in your ad copy, try to accentuate and stress the unparalleled advantages of using your products or services.

Many advertisers make the rookie mistake of gibbering about countless product features before highlighting how they satisfy customers' needs and wants. By doing product prioritization based on benefits, you appeal to potential customers' desire to solve their problems and place more value on emotional reward. Therefore, make sure your USP highlights and emphasizes the unique advantages of using your product or service. This is a key element of effective ad copy that can help you attract and retain customers.

It's also important to keep in mind that you should only target one specific consumer need per PPC ad. If you try to offer solutions to all customer problems in a single ad, you will only dilute its strength.

Be Unique

In short, it's about being unique, original and completely you! Have you already thought about a USP for your company? If not, we hope this guide will serve as a starting point!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a unique selling proposition example?

A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a statement or message that explains what sets your product, service, or brand apart from the competition. It is a key component of effective marketing and can help your business stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Apple: "Think Different." This USP positions Apple as a company that values creativity, innovation, and individuality, setting it apart from other tech giants.

What is Nike's unique selling proposition?

Nike’s USP is ‘Just Do It’. The short yet powerful tagline has been used by the brand since 1988 and expresses a message of empowerment. Using this USP, pushes individuals to pursue their aspirations and goals, regardless of any impediments they face.

What are the 4 USP categories?

  • Product/Service differentiation
  • Price differentiation
  • Positioning differentiation
  • Customer-focused differentiation

What is Coca Cola's unique selling proposition?

Coca-Cola's Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is "Taste the Feeling." This tagline emphasizes the emotional experience of drinking Coca-Cola and positions the brand as a source of happiness and enjoyment. The USP focuses on the emotional benefit of the product rather than its physical attributes, such as the taste or ingredients.

We are confident that you have found it helpful. Unlock more strategies and find more solutions with Harvestr.



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