The Art of Product Differentiation: Transform Your Business and Outshine Competitors
Valentin Huang 08/02/2023 Glossary
5 Minutes

In simple words, product differentiation refers to the process used by companies to differentiate their offerings from other identical products and services available in the market.

two people discussing strategy

Defining Product Differentiation

Product differentiation is one of those crucial aspects that allows the company’s products to stand out amidst the market competition. Effective product differentiation derives valuable outcomes such as increased sales revenue and brand loyalty.

The overall strategy of product differentiation focuses on recognizing and communicating the distinctive attributes of the products and services whilst pinpointing the notable differences between that product and its main competitors. The process is closely linked to crafting a unique value proposition to make the brand and its offerings compelling to the target audience.

In other words, product differentiation is your game-changing strategy to elevate your brand, set you apart in the marketplace and leave your competitors in awe!

The Importance of Product Differentiation for Your Company

Over the recent years, most industries have witnessed remarkable declines in their barriers to entry. Anyone can enter the market now, thus leading to a surge of competitive products. As a consequence, product differentiation becomes the core factor for products to hinge upon in highly competitive landscapes. Standing out from the crowd is becoming more indispensable than ever, which is why your business requires differentiation.

Going further, you will be in a better position if you know about the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Because this will help you differentiate your offerings in the market from the rest of other similar products.

The key to achieving the true potential of product differentiation is to explore what sets it apart from the competition. Product differentiation allows you to recognize and accentuate the unique value that your product brings to its customers. Without a well-crafted strategy of differentiation, you might just fade into the background amidst a flood of competitors.

Whose job is product differentiation?

Most management and business experts support the view that the marketing department is primarily responsible for differentiating products. However, this is not entirely true. All departments in the organization can contribute to effective product differentiation.

Which departments are responsible for differentiation?

Here is a list of some departments within an organization that can play a part in crafting a differentiation strategy

  • Product management

  • Marketing and sales

  • Engineering

  • Support and Success

  • Research and development

  • Customer support

The reason for listing so many departments up there is that any aspect of your offering can be the differentiating factor you need. Naturally, the marketing department takes the spotlight when it comes to positioning products and finding customer touch points. It is important to mention here that product positioning is also a key point in product differentiation and realizing the actual role and forming relevant strategies for each department.

Differentiation, on the other hand, requires a seamless culmination of engaging marketing campaigns and customer interactions.

You can unlock many secrets of product differentiation by asking yourself the following questions.

  • Is your product reliable or does it suffer from frequent outages?

  • How easy is it to buy?

  • What about customer service and successful interactions?

These factors may help you find your captivating factor as you embrace the art of differentiation.

What are the Types of Product Differentiation?

Essentially, product differentiation falls into two categories: vertical and horizontal. However, there are many cases where a customer's purchase may reflect an integration of both.

Horizontal Differentiation

Horizontal differentiation emphasizes product uniqueness regardless of price or quality. Products offer similar features at similar prices, and the choice depends solely on personal preferences. This type of differentiation is about satisfying customers' unique tastes. Understanding those individual preferences is often the path to success.

An Example of Horizontal Differentiation

In the soft drink sector, both Coca-Cola and Pepsi offer similar products (carbonated soft drinks) at similar prices. The taste and marketing approach may vary, but the basic product features and price are relatively comparable. Customer preference for one brand over the other is often due to personal taste and brand loyalty rather than significant differences in product quality or price.

Vertical Differentiation

On the contrary, the price reigns supreme in the case of vertical differentiation. Here, the products are attributed to different price levels and different degrees of quality. The idea is clear: when all options have the same price, a distinguished winner will be celebrated as the best. In addition, the value proposition of the products takes center stage.

An Example of Vertical Differentiation

In the smartphone market, Apple iPhones and Samsung Galaxy devices are examples of vertically differentiated products. Although both brands offer smartphones, they are positioned at different price points and are perceived as products with different levels of quality and features.

The higher price of iPhones is associated with their premium design, user experience, and ecosystem, while Samsung Galaxy devices offer more affordable options with a wide range of features and customization. Customers may choose one brand over the other based on their budget and the perceived value they place on premium features versus affordability.

Mixed Differentiation

It is also known as "simple differentiation", and offers differentiation while combining multiple factors. Sometimes, mixed differentiation can also be closely translated as horizontal differentiation.

What are the Factors of Product Differentiation?

Anything that makes the product truly unique and distinct becomes your USP.

Read on to discover some examples of how you can differentiate your products and services from the rest of the market.


How does the quality, reliability and robustness of your product compare with those of your competitors?


  • Have you tried to add a unique touch to your design?

  • Do you have something sleek or contemporary? Or convenient to use?

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  • What is different about your pricing model and that of your competitors in the industry?

  • When considering product pricing, ensure that you are not just paying attention to a ‘cheaper’ product and focusing on other aspects too.

Features and Functionality

  • Does your product have features or attributes that your competitors do not? How does its functionality compare to the rest of the market?

Service and Interactions

  • What is the quality of your customer service and do you also offer a customized onboarding process?


  • Do you offer customized or tailored products that are not provided by your competitors yet?

The Advantages of Product Differentiation

 1. Improving brand loyalty

Your company becomes memorable and valuable with strong product differentiation. Your brand logo, tone of voice and social media presence become icons of your unique offering and the benefits it brings to customers.

The more differentiated your product is and the more it matches the needs of your target audience, the more loyal customers will repeat your brand.

2. Attaining increased price points

Great product differentiation also leads to increased sales and profit margins for businesses.

A differentiated product might as well be sold for a higher price because customers will want to pay for better appearance, quality, and customer service. They won’t mind paying slightly higher for their favorite product packaging or a unique experience.

Interestingly, there is a decent correlation between price increment and product backlog that helps in listing things in order to improve the product and make it perfect. Without any doubt, product backlog grooming will be a considerable help in making a product that attracts a decent price and profit.

3. Narrowing down your target audience

Differentiating products is useful in defining and refining the target audiences for a particular product or service.

The more rigorous research is done to carry out differentiation, the deeper the understanding of who is interested in your products and services. The process is eventually repeated to achieve more streamlined target audiences. When you focus closely on a niche group of consumers, you may also enjoy better ROI and sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of product differentiation?

An excellent example of product differentiation is the smartphone industry, where brands like Apple and Samsung have successfully set themselves apart. Apple's iPhone differentiates itself by offering a seamless and exclusive ecosystem, elegant design, and a focus on user experience. On the other hand, Samsung's Galaxy smartphones cater to a wider range of price points and boast diverse features and customization options. Both brands provide unique value propositions, targeting different segments of the market.

What is a differentiation strategy?

A differentiation strategy is a business approach aimed at creating a unique and distinct identity for a product, service, or brand in the marketplace. The strategy involves highlighting specific features, attributes, or characteristics that set the offering apart from competitors and appeal to the target audience. By emphasizing these unique qualities, the differentiation strategy aims to position the product as one-of-a-kind, creating a perceived added value for customers.

What are the six ways a product can be differentiated?

Here are six ways to differentiate a product:

  • Unique Features
  • Superior Quality
  • Strong Branding
  • Excellent Customer Service
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Targeted Marketing

What is product differentiation for small businesses?

This is the strategy of creating a unique and distinct identity for their products or services in the market. It involves highlighting specific attributes or features that set their offerings apart from competitors. By focusing on factors like product design, quality, branding, customer service, or pricing, small businesses can carve out a niche and appeal to their target audience.

To make your product more robust and attractive, there is a lot more for you at Harvestr. In addition to product differentiation, find out more about how Harvestr streamlines product management, fostering collaboration and innovation for your impact-driven teams and ambitious products.



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